Understanding cash movement procedures.
E-TS: All versions
The cash handling procedures are important as they give a clear picture on "when" and "how much" cash is received or moved, and "where" and by "whom".
In E-TS, the Cash on Hand
window shows an overview of where cash is currently being held and allows you to perform several functions.
Issue Float
This process is to record an initial movement of cash into a till.
Cash Up
This process takes all cash and selected cheques at a location (an outlet or till) and moves it to another outlet.
Cash Transfer
This process is used to move cash from one outlet to another during the trading day (e.g. When one till is low on change).
Bank Cash Withdraw
This process is used to record when cash is withdrawn from your business bank account and then received by an outlet or till (e.g. When the amount of cash on hand for customer change is getting low).
drop-down menu choose Cash on hand
. Cash On Hand
window is shown, it contains the Cash on Hand tab & Movements tab.Cash on Hand
window, select the till that you want to issue float to, then click the Issue Float
button. Issue Cash Float
window is shown.Issue float can be done only on a till that has no money. Otherwise, the Issue Float button is disabled (greyed out).
Issue Cash Float
window, select the Outlet
(Where the cash is coming from).Till
(Where the cash is going to) is correct.Cash Float Amount
field, enter the cash amount to be issued.Comment
maybe recorded as well (e.g. The breakdown of the cash).Post
button to record the cash movement. Issue Cash Float
window closes and now the cash amount is moved to the destination till.Cash on Hand
window, select the outlet or till that you want to empty, then click the Cashup
button. Cash Cashup
window is shown.Outlet
(Where the cash is going to).If a cheque payment details need to be edited (e.g. Incorrect cheque amount), click the Edit Payment button.
Actual Cash
field, enter the entire cash amount found in that location (including the float). Till Shortage
will automatically be calculated.Post
button to record the cash movement. Cash Cashup
window closes and now the amount of cash and cheques (if any) is moved to the destination outlet.Cash on Hand
window, select the outlet or till that you want to transfer cash from, then click the Cash Transfer button. Cash Transfer
window appears.Outlet/till
(Where the cash is being transfered to).Amount
field, enter the transfer amount of cash.Comment
maybe recorded (if any).Post
button to record the cash movement. Cash Transfer
window closes and the cash amount is transferred to the destination outlet or till.Cash on Hand
window, select the outlet or till that the bank cash withdrawal is going to, then click the Bank Cash Withdraw button. Bank Cash Withdrawal
window appears.Amount
field, enter the cash amount that is received from the bank into that location.Comment
maybe be recorded (if any).Post
button to record the cash movement. Bank Cash Withdrawal
window closes and the withdrawn cash is received at the destination outlet or till.